


Combining Good Style with Good Acoustics in Lafayette

People who work in offices spend a majority of their work week there, sitting at a desk, in meetings or conference rooms, taking calls and dealing with customers or clients.  In previous years, cubicles were a common theme in offices, dividing workers up into their own individual spaces with the same grey walls, white drop acoustic ceiling tiles, and bland décor.  In many movies, promotions were seen being met with excitement and enthusiasm, especially when they came with a private office that allowed for control over the space.  As the workplace changes and more office work can be done remotely, it is up to employers to entice the workforce back into the office with décor that evokes positive vibes and increases productivity.  So how is that accomplished while still upholding the acoustic dynamics cubicles offer?  Thankfully, there are many things a company can do to improve acoustics that are also design forward for their offices.

While cubicles provide sound dampening and enhanced employee/client speech privacy, they also make employees feel isolated and bored which can lead to decreased productivity.  Open office space promotes human interaction, improves lighting, and allows for more options with space planning.  So how do you achieve the open office dream without affecting speech privacy and office noise levels? First would be acoustic ceiling clouds.  Acoustic ceiling clouds in Lafayette, La allow structures to maintain ceiling height (for that open, high design look).  The name is fairly self-explanatory, with acoustic ceiling clouds hanging from the ceiling in strategic spots to improve acoustics/dampen sound.  Their versatility in design allows you to create a truly unique space that makes employees feel welcome, happy, and excited to come into the office.

Commercial carpet in Lafayette, La is another way to improve open office acoustics/sound dampening.  Commercial carpet is durable, easy to install and maintain, and the styles available are more diverse than ever before.